A society for all ages in which:
- the contribution of older persons is acknowledged;
- older persons can experience security and personal fulfilment;
- the rights and dignity of older persons is respected;
- older persons have a role to play in development.
“The mission of the South African Older Persons Forum (SAOPF) is to identify and articulate the concerns and needs of older persons, as voiced by them, and, in consultation with Government and other role players, to ensure that these needs are addressed in legislation, services and programs.”
‘Human rights don’t stop at 60’
REPORT: An investigation of the gaps and strengths in service provision to mitigate elder abuse in South Africa
Elder abuse is a global human rights concern yet sadly, an understudied subject. Tafta in collaboration with the University of Johannesburg, undertook a research study in 2023 which explored the nature of elder abuse in South Africa, the key risk and protective...